Yesterday Evening I spend the Session of the Royal Society by reading to them your two Communications upon the subject of the Aerostatique Machines lately executed in France and I can assure you without Flattery that an Evident pleasure was visible in the manner in which they receivd your return (as they considerd it) to Philosophical amusements after having so long being detaind from them by business so inimical to Science.
Whether you would chuse to have these Essays printed in the Philosophical transactions in a Question to which I whould be much obligd to you for an answer the reason against it is that during the Lond Vacation of the Society the business is much more developd than it was when you Communicated. The reason why they should be printed is that as far as they go they are distinctly and well written in short unless you intend to amuse your Leisure by giving some more general detail of what has been done on this subject I should have no doubt of the propriety of Printing them and will answer for the readyness of the Committee of Papers to give their approbation.
Beleive me there are many here who would rejoice to see you again in your old haunts to which I do not doubt you feel some inclination to return and none more than Your Faithfull Servant