From Benjamin Franklin: Peddler’s License for Solomon Raphael (unpublished)
[March 23, 1787]

By the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Whereas Solomon Raphael the Bearer hereof, intenging to follow the Business of a Pedlar within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, hath been recommended to Us as a proper Person for that Employment, and requesting a License for the same: We Do hereby license and allow the said Solomon Raphael to employ himself as a Pedlar and Hawker within the said Commonwealth, to travel with one Horse and to expose and Vend divers goods and merchandize until the twenty first Day of March — next; Provided he shall, during the said Term, observe and keep all Laws and Ordinances of the said Commonwealth to the same Employment relating.

Given under the Seal of the Commonwealth, at Philadelphia, the twenty third Day of Marchin the Year of our LORD One Thousand Seven Hundred and eighty seven.

B. Franklin Presidt.


    James Trimble for John Armstrong jun secry

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