I have received your Leter by Mr. Hilliard and I see you are Angry with me and I cannot bare my Brothers Displeasure, I am Anxous for your Life it is true, but also for your Sufferings hear as I had Reason from my own Expearance of a fall from the Same Place, the Efects of which I felt for some years, but is it posable my Dear Brother can think my concern for Him is mearly for my own Soport, can he not see that I am sensable he has alreddy done for me beyond all posable Expectation from me and does he not know that my gratfull hart has no grater Pleasure than she feals in hearing of his Health and Vertues, I think he does, but I know all I have opertunity to convers with on the subject see it.
I see I have given you Just cause of offense in not shewing my Daughter your Leter concerning her Husband but she was in such a state of boddy and mind at that time I could not (and what I have wrot about it I have forgot) I therfor when she was Affected at seeing me I had Tears on Reading your Leter Determined to shew it to her and she says she is sincearly glad he did not git any goods there as it must have Increced his Difeculties and that she had not any suspicion of his makeing such an Atempt.
I have now got over the Restrant I had in writing to you as she comonly sees my leters, and hope for the continuance of yours to me and tho I nither fear Death as a misfortune to me I wish to Live long anoug to receve from you a conviction by your Returning to your former stile of writing to me that you have forgiven my offense whatsoever it is, for it would be Terable to me to Emagin I had lost my Dear Brothers Affection while I remane in this Life.
I shall send your order on Mr Smith and dont Doubt of Recveing it and thank you for it with the same Gratitude and sincerity I have ever done for yr numerous and Amaizingly grat and undeserved Benifits and am as Ever your Affectionat sister