John Paul Jones to Matthew Parke (unpublished)
L’Orient June 20th 1780
Dear Sir

The Critical Situation in which the Alliance and her Company are involved at this awful moment awakes all my humanity and obliges me to lay before them and you, the fatal Consequences of persisting in this Causeless Mutiny. Open Your Eyes I beseech you and do not suffer your sober Reason to be further Misled by the misrepresentations of a Malicious Party. You know me, I scorn to mislead any man and will answer to you as a Man at any time hereafter for the advice I now give. I am of no party; nor will I as an Officer be drawn over to one side or the Other. I protest to you that from the begining it has been a principal part of my Study to procure Justice to every person who has served under my Command, and particularly so of late to the Officers and Crew of the Alliance. Of this I inclose you some evidence now and can give you more if required. As for Captain Landais God knows I would not wish my worst Enemy to be in so dangerous a situation. His own Ruin is alass, unavoidable. But why should he draw you in to share his fate? You may be assured that Government has given the most positive orders to stop the Alliance rather than suffer her to depart with Captain Landais who is actually now under Arest by an order signed by the King. You Cannot save him, therefore do not by attempting it involve yourself and your Brother Officers in a Common ruin. I shall only use one more argument and then leave you to your own reflecting. Supposing that any unfair play had been intended towards Captain Landais himself or his Friends having been bound for America, might have claimed, and would most assuredly have obtained redress from the Congress. Men are not to fly in the face of order and Authority, and Mr. Franklin is too wise to exceed the limits of his Power, on the Contrary, You know you have found me in time past to be your friend. I am always Dear Sir Your most Obedient Humble Servant

John P. Jones

Captain Matthew Parke on board the Alliance Frigate
Endorsed: J.P. Jones L’Orient June 20. 1780
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