I have put on board the Washington packet, Captain Barney, by whom this goes, two Barrels of Newton pippins, one Barrel of Chetnuts, a Box of Seeds, and a small Box of Grafts, put up as you directed; the cost of the Box of Seeds is five Guineas, you will herewith receive a Catalogue of them. I should have sent you a Barrel of Hiccory Nuts, could they have been procured, but none have come to Market yet. Perhaps another opportunity may present itself soon, either from this place or Newyork when I shall not fail availing myself of it.
Sally has wrote you a long Letter, and given you the history of our little family. I need not therefore add on that subject.
You will herewith receive the Newspapers which will inform you of the unsettled state of our great Folks, who have been resolving and re-resolving for Six Months past on places for their permanent residence, and this is almost all that has been done; they have lowered themselves much in the opinions of the people on this side the Atlantic, I wish it may not be the case in Europe. With the Duty and Affections of the Family, I remain ever Dear sir Your affectionate Son