We the subscribers, Justices of the peace of Franklin County beg leave to represent that in June Sessions last, a Bill of indictment was found against William Nugent, as Principal for Feloniously stealing, and taking away the property of James Moore; & against Patrick Jacks and James Young, as accessaries before the fact, that William Nugent has not yet been taken; and the two accessaries have refused to be tried until the principal is convict. That besides the above Crime, Nugent has been charged with many others, and the good people of this County are at present afraid of his enormities and depredations, they think is also highly proper that the accessaries should be brought to Justice, let their fate be what it may.
Therefore humbly recommend that your Honours would offer a reward for apprehending the said William Nugent.
And we are, with due respect, your most obedient humble Servants,