With this you will receive a Letter from Capt Alexander Heguye inclosing a Memoire to the Marquis de Castries. The Favour requested is highly merited and is in itself such as ministers have frequently granted on slight pretentions. It is only to have Lettres de Capitaine which in this Country is necessary to have, before a Man (however he may be qualified) can command a ship.
M de la Ville the Proprietor of the ship for which this Request is made is one of the first Characters in this Town and a Gentleman For whom I have a particular Respect and Esteem, more especialy as I have experienced Acts of Friendship from him which lay me under great Obligations.
You will oblige me very highly by sending the Memoire to the Marquis de Castries, who I am sure will grant the Request contained in it; A Note from you on the subject will make it Certain. I am as ever most dutifully and Affectionately Yours