I recd. duly your Favour of the 1 Inst. & immediately sent some & delivered myself the Rest of the Letters, which came with it. I am happy in the Preference you give me, over your other Friends here, in being useful to you.—I have as yet been only able to execute Part of your Orders, which you will find in the Carton addressed to Mr: Jay. The Sword handle, Knee Buckles & Pocket Book I shall purchase this afternoon & send by M. Fabre, who leaves Paris to night.—
I do not recollect receiving the Letter you mention to have honour’d me with. I wrote you a short one on the 21 Feb 80. which I suppose did not get to your Hands, it having been put up with others from my Grandfather which miscarried. I am the more sorry you did not receive it, as it inclosed several Letters from your Friends in England, which had been sent here to be forwarded to you. There was among them one from the fair H—t. I beg leave here to reiterate my sincere Thanks for your very obliging Offer (express’d in an old letter of yours to my Grandfather) in case I should go to Madrid. Believe me I am very sensible of your Kindness.—
The Courier will deliver you with this several Letters & Packets for America which I request the favour of your forwarding by the first good Opportunity.
Adieu, my dear Sir. I beg you will never think you are giving me trouble when you furnish me with an Occasion of being serviceable to you, being with sincere Esteem, Your affectionate Friend & obedt: humble Servt: