As I was writing to His Excellency when I Rec’d your Esteemed favour of the 5th. Inst., I added a p.s. fulfilling the wishes of the Contents.
I beg leave to Inform you, Sir, that I have again, the following Post, renew’d. my orders at Morlaix, to send His Excellency the mentd. Japponed Box with the Contents, & to use their Endeavours to Purchase under the one thousand Livers, Low Price fixed, for all the related Trunks & Portmanteaus & then to keep them at the disposal of His Excellency.
Give me Leave, kind Sir, to Sollicit your good offices In obtaining Immediately from His Excellency, the Two Commissions so long a Time Promised, & so eagerly waited for, for the Black Prince & the Black Princess. These good Privateers are detained meerly for want of these Commissions & the Expences are daily very havy on me.
Youll confer an everlasting obligation on me who am for ever with gratitude in all your Command Sir Your most obt. & most hble Servt.