[I told him that as] I did not know her, I must refer him for
Advice to his good Friends in Boston, who could better adapt it to
Situations, Tempers and Circumstances. Only this I hinted in
general, that I thought he would do well not to be too forward in
Professions of Love, till by his Assiduities and little Services he
had made some Progress in gaining the Lady’s Esteem and Affection.
For when he had brought Matters to such a Pass, as that she would
wish to know his Intention, think he delay’d too long his
Declaration, and, as the Song says,
his Proposals, in my Opinion, would be likely to meet with much
less Difficulty. I find, however, by yours, that he has declar’d
himself all at once violently in love with you. He seems like a
Brand brought flaming to a fresh Hearth; not kindled there, indeed,
but it burns nevertheless. Nobody can judge for you in this Affair,
better than you can for yourself; you know both the Gentlemen, and
I believe you will determine rightly. I only pray God to bless you
in your Choice; whether it be either of them or any other; and you
may depend I shall mention nothing of your having communicated the
Matter to me.
You may write freely everything you think fit,
without the least Apprehension of any Person’s seeing your Letters
but myself. You have complimented me so much in those I have
already receiv’d, that I could not show them without being justly
thought a vain Coxcomb for so doing; and the Hint you give in your
last is sufficient for those you may favour me with hereafter. I
know very well that the most innocent Expressions of warm
Friendship, and even those of meer Civility and Complaisance,
between Persons of different Sexes, are liable to be misinterpreted
by suspicious Minds; and therefore though you say more, I say less
than I think, and end this Letter coolly in the plain common Form,
with only Dear Miss, Your humble Servant
My respectful Compliments to your good Father, Mother and Sister, I
am glad to hear of his Recovery.