The kind attention you had of Sending me Gnl Washington’s engraving demand my Best thanks and these I want to offer particularly to you—Among the several pictures of my heroïc friend I have here in Europe, none has such a good likeness as this you sent to me, But an other which is in my possession and was taken from an original Belonging to Mr hankok. That I intend to have drawn By the famous Cochin, with several attributes, and from this such an engraving will be made that with some expense, and the Best exertions of our Artists, May as far as [possible] come Near the Great object they are to Represent—Eighteen or twenty months are, it is said, Necessary to complete the work, during which time your present is of the greatest valüe to me, as it Represents the feature of one I am Bound to By all the feelings of admiration, and gratitude, and the ties of a mutual, tender friendship.
I have Receiv’d a letter from Captain jones, wherein he seems disatisfied with Mr Landais—I am always soory when I hear of disputes Rais’d among men who fight for the same cause.
As soon as any News from America, as any vessel from that country, let her have no other news But the date or the place of her departure, will come in any european harbour, I Beg you, my dear Sir, immediately to acquaint me thereoff.
I am so sanguine upon Count d’estaing’s Expedition, that I can’t enjoy any Rest, till I Now if his successes have answered to my earnestly hopes, and wishes—for intelligences on that head, I greatly depend upon you.
What, do you think, will afterwards do Captain jones?—It seems he is waïting for orders.
You need not, my dear Sir, giving Yourself any concern for coming to [illegible] till you Receive from me such advice, as, I fear, will not be given for this Campaign—But suppose there was some hope of Embarking, you would get timely [in] and some days should be allowed for your putting Every thing in Readiness.
With a sincere affection and [esteem] I am Yours