I have not yet got an answer from government relative to the proposition of Exchanging upon contract agrements in writing. I have renewed my application for an answer, & therefore hope to have it soon. In the mean, I wish to forward the Continuation of the Cartel by exchanges at Morlaix, as I mentioned to you in my last. If you will send me a passport for the Cartel ship to Morlaix, & inform me of the number of prisoners ready for exchange there, I will immediately apply to the board of Sick and Hurt to dispatch another Cargo of prisoners from England for the Exchange. Mr. Bell the first Commissioner told me the other day, that when they were informed of place & numbers, that they shd be ready to proceed with the Exchange. As to the other proposition of exchanging by written agreement, I presume that that must be referred to the first Ld of the Admiralty and to the Secretary of State. The description of the person in whose favour I applied to you in my last letter is as follows—(Mr John Stephenson Master & owner of the Ship Sally a younger brother of the Trinity house & a freeman of Hull was taken on the 1st of July by a Lugger rigged privateer of Bretange named the Hawke Capt. Heden d’Polly of 6 one pounders 8 swivels and 38 men who carried him into Brest & he is now confined at Velse in Bretagne.) This is the description which has been transmitted to me. If you cd facilitate his release I shd be much obliged to you as it wd be very agreeable to several of my friends at Hull.— Your affecte