From — Pigou
ALS: American Philosophical Society
<Paris, January 23, 1778, in French: I should like an interview
with you, but please say nothing about it. Some two months
ago in Rouen an idea came to me of a new way to use the
powder in firing a cannon. I experimented with it in the presence
of witnesses, which I regret because the whole town
learned what was going on; such publicity is disturbing, and I
should like to remedy it. At least twelve shots a minute can be
fired from the largest gun, and the impact of the balls is perhaps
doubled. When two nations are at war, whichever uses
such artillery will soon destroy the other. I will tell you the
rest on two conditions, to which I am sure you will agree. Set
a time when you can come to see me if possible, because I
have been ill for six weeks and am still so weak that I can
scarcely write this; I have seen no one, but your name will get
you admitted. Or if necessary I will make the effort of coming
to you.>
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