I recived your Excellencys letter of January the 12th April the 20th with the incloased, for which I Return you my thanks. I Conceive your Excellency had not come to the knowledge of an Act passed by the Legeslature of the State of Rhode Island, October last, for abolishing the Slave trade, for yours and the Society’s information I enclose you a Copy of the Act, when the Society are informed the enclosed act passed both Houses of Assembly with but four desenting voiceis, they Cannot but Concive that the State of Rhode Island has as Great abhorance of Slavery as any State in the Union, although the Merchants of this State have been largely Conserned in the Slave trade for the Sake of gain, the State at large have Condemned the trade. I am not unacquainted mercantile men will go Great lengths for the Sake of gain, eaven to the the ruin of their own Country. I am with Great Esteem your Excellencys Humble Servant