London, Feb. 25. 1775
In my last per Falconer, I mention’d to you my showing your
Plan of Union to Lords Chatham and Camden. I now hear
that you had sent it to Lord Dartmouth. Lord Gower I believe
alluded to it, when in the House he censur’d the Congress severely
as first resolving to receive a Plan for Uniting the Colonies to the
Mother Country, and afterwards rejecting it, and ordering their
first Resolution to be eras’d out of their Minutes. Permit me to
hint to you that it is whisper’d here by ministerial People, that
yourself and Mr. Jay of New York are Friends to their Measures,
and give them private Intelligence of the Views of the Popular
or Country Party in America. I do not believe this; but I thought
it a Duty of Friendship to acquaint you with the Report.
I have not heard what Objections were made to the Plan in the
Congress, nor would I make more than this one, that when I
consider the extream Corruption prevalent among all Orders of
Men in this old rotten State, and the glorious publick Virtue so
predominant in our rising Country, I cannot but apprehend more
Mischief than Benefit from a closer Union. I fear They will drag
us after them in all the plundering Wars their desperate Circumstances,
Injustice and Rapacity, may prompt them to undertake;
and their wide-wasting Prodigality and Profusion a Gulph that
will swallow up every Aid we may distress ourselves to afford
them. Here Numberless and needless Places, enormous Salaries,
Pensions, Perquisites, Bribes, groundless Quarrels, foolish
Expeditions, false Accompts or no Accompts, Contracts and
Jobbs devour all Revenue, and produce continual Necessity in the
Midst of natural Plenty. I apprehend therefore that To unite us
intimately, will only be to corrupt and poison us also. It seems like
Mezentius’s coupling and binding together the dead and the living,
However I would try any thing, and bear any thing that can be
borne with Safety to our just Liberties rather than engage in a
War with such near Relations, unless compelled to it by dire
Necessity in our own Defence.
But should that Plan be again brought forward, I imagine
that before establishing the Union, it would be necessary to
agree on the following preliminary Articles.
1. The Declaratory Act of Parliament to be repeal’d.
2. All Acts of Parliament or Parts of Acts, laying Duties on the
Colonies, to be repeal’d.
3. All Acts of Parliament altering the Charters or Constitutions
or Laws, of any Colony to be repeal’d.
4. All Acts of Parliament restraining Manufactures in the
Colonies, to be repeal’d.
5. Those Parts of the Navigation Acts, which are for the Good
of the whole Empire, such as require that Ships in the Trade
should be British or Plantation built, and navigated by ¾
British Subjects; with the Duties necessary for regulating
Commerce to be re-enacted by both Parliaments.
6. Then to induce the Americans to see the regulating Acts
faithfully executed, it would be well to give the Duties collected
in each Colony to the Treasury of that Colony, and let the
Governor and Assembly appoint the Officers to collect them, and
proportion their Salaries. Thus the Business will be cheaper and
better done, and the Misunderstandings between the two Countries
now created and fomented by the unprincipled Wretches generally
appointed from England, be entirely prevented.
These are hasty Thoughts, submitted to your Consideration.
You will see the new Proposal of Lord North made on Monday
last, which I have sent to the Committee. Those in Administration
who are for violent Measures, are said to dislike it. The others
rely upon it as a means of dividing and by that means subduing
us. But I cannot conceive that any Colony will undertake to
grant a Revenue, to a Government that holds a Sword over their
Heads, with a Threat to strike the moment they cease to give or
do not give so much as it is pleas’d to expect. In such a Situation,
where is the Right of giving our own Property freely? or the
Right to judge of our own Ability to give? It seems to me the
Language of a Highwayman, who with a Pistol in your Face says,
Give me your Purse, and then I will not put my Hand into your
Pocket. But give me all your Money or I’ll shoot you thro’
the Head. With great and sincere Esteem, I am ever, my dear
Friend Your most obedient and most humble Servant