I have but this day Received the Billet your Excellency has honored me with. It is directed to the hotel d’angleterre and I Lodge at the hotel de Londres. Its not Coming Sooner is the Cause I have not answered before.
I am penetrated with the warmest Sentiments of the most Respectful gratitude for your Kind attention for Mrs. de Valnais. She charges me to thank you heartily for the tender Concern, you have been pleased to shew her at all times and particularly on this occasion: She ever will Remember it with an encreasing satisfaction since it Comes from a Gentleman Born in her own Town and who is So Justly esteemed and Revered through all the Civilised world.
Mrs. de Valnais and her little infant are Both tolerably well. I am with Respect. Sir Your most obedient and most humble Servant