I thack this opportunity to Beg the Verry Kind favour of your Honour, as to give me live to Adresse My Self to your honour in Sending Lettres to America the Reason of my freedom is that I Know the werry kind Nature of the Squire, and I hav had the honour to Be Reveud By your ordinance Among the Philadelphia Militia, I was in the Batallion, Comanded by Collonel Byard at John Rose, whit whom I lived and kept Stoore afore the whar Begun, I was whit the Militia at Port Amboy: and after we Retournt home was amployit By the Right Honourable Congress, in Rhiding Express, I have Some ordinances about me yet By the orders of your honour as President from 78 I Beg the greatt favour of your honour, to have this inclosed Letter, Send to America, By a good opportunity. If I Can Be at any servis to your honour I Shall Thack as the greattest favour If you’ll lett me Know Sir I am your Werry obedient humble Servant August Püppele Well whisher to America