I Long much to See you and as my Niece had Just before you Arived Informd me it was Imposable for you to come hear I had thoughts of going to you, but would not Determine till I should know if it would be Agreeable to you. Your kind Leter of Octr. 1. Letts me know your mind and I am Satisfyd., and will hope too that I Shall See you hear in the Spring, as it was before what I utterly dispard off the thoughts of your Injoying So much Ease as to hope it; will chear many a gloomy Hour I Should other ways have had throw the winter.
I am apt to be two communicative, I had beter have Suppressd. the Information I gave you of Mr. Vernon’s Ingratitude tho I then thought it would be best for you to know the Man, you came at two much of Such Painfull knolidge, and I fear it apears to you I am of the Number of Ingroats. I believe I did not tell you how Thankfully I Received the Benifitt, But be Asured my Dear Brother that there is not a day ‘Passes that my hart does not overflow with Gratitude to you, and Adoration of the Supreme Benefactor of all mankind who Puts in your Power not only to make me as happy as humanity can Expect to be, but Enables you to Diffuse your Benefitts I had Allmost Said to the whol Universe.
I know your Judgment as well as Practice is kindness of hart by Deads Express, but it is my opinion words Should not be Excluded (tho I Sometimes Neglect them) Espesially when these is no opertunity to Perform Deeds.
I think it was not till the very Day you Arived that Mr. Williams got that Bill you Sent me on Dr. Cooper Transferd to Him I Expect He Either has or will write you the Perticulars.
Affter my Love to my two Nephews give me Leave to beg the Favour of won of them by your Permition to give me a Catalogue of the Books you Designe for Franklin Town, my Reason for this Request is I have a grat deal of time on my hands, I Love Reading, it is a Present Amusement tho my memory is so bad that I cannot Retain it as many others do; now, I am Sure that will be a Collection worth Reading, and I dont doubt I can Borrow of won and another of my Acquaintance from time to time Such as I have a mind to Read.
My Daughter is Returnd from the Country much mended in her health, She with my Grand daughter Jenny Mecom Deserer then duty Remember my Love to Mr. and Mrs. Bache and all the children. Your Affectionate Sister