Your Letter of the 27h. May, accompanied by one from Baron de Feriet of Versailles, and a small case of Wine, reached me sometime ago, and I have waited thus long, to give the Wine a fair chance of appearing in its best colours, by recovering from any sickness its voyage might have occasion’d, as well as to collect the sentiments of different people of its quality &c.&c. unfortunately the corks of every bottle of the White wine had flown, so that we had no opportunity of tasting it; the red wine, or what is called Cotte Roti, is very much liked; but as the cost is much higher than the best Claret we get here, and I do not find it in higher estimation, I cannot encourage your friend to any large speculations in this vehicle; I do not think, as I have wrote him, that the Cotte Roti, would sell for more than 40/ to 45/. our Currency per doz:, which price after deducting Coms. & charges, would be far under the first cost, as your friend has stated it; if after my sentiments on this subject he should venture upon a small speculation by way of hyal, my partner and myself will give it every chance in our power, and we shall be happy in serving your friend by recommendation—so much for the wine business— I now secur the latter part of your Letter, an answer to which I could not have furnished ’till within these few days, Congress having had a long recess, and I was totally ignorant ’till lately of your Grandfather’s application to them in your behalf; and from what I can gather on this subject, I am afraid you have not much to expect from that quarter; Congress have chosen Richd. H. Lee for their president, and he is no great friend to us, or our connections how far his influence may extend as President I know not, but I augur ill of the present disposition of Congress—The Marquis will be able to give you every information you could wish, tho’ the information may not please you; he stops at Trenton in his way to Nyork, and I know he has your interest much at Heart—
I recd. from Mr. Morris as Superintendant of Finance the 30th. Octr. last £1666:13.4. on your account, and by his direction have subscribed for eleven shares in the Bank of No. America cost of which are £1660:0:0—so that there remains a balance in my hands of £16:13:4. which with the dividend which I shall receive in January next shall hold at your disposal, and wait your direction; the certificates bear the above date. It may be necessary for you to send me a power of Attorney to vote for directors in your behalf, they are chosen annually—I have to request your care of the inclosed Letter for Messrs. le Couteulx 16h. it contains a Bill of Exchange which a friend has requested us to forward I am ever Dear Sir Your affectionate friend & Kinsman