Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners
ALS: American Philosophical Society
<Brest, May 18, 1778: Mr. Schweighauser writes Capt. Jones
that I pretend to an authority that is his, by right of a letter
from Mr. William Lee, to dispose of the Ranger’s prizes in this
port. I came here to help Capt. Jones, and have not interfered
in commercial matters. The Lord Chatham will either be sold
by the admiralty or entrusted to M. Bersolle; another prize,
now empty, is used as a prison ship; the Drake is being refitted
to take the prisoners to America. I have done what I could to
forward the business, for otherwise I should have been remiss
in my duty. If Capt. Jones succeeds in exchanging his prisoners,
the Drake can be bought or rented from the captors and
sent to America with a great part of the stores I have ready at
Nantes. I am on my way to Paris.>
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