& where I received, with a most agreable surprize, the Letter & the 3 Gilets, you have been so Kind as to send me, ever Since the 4th. of July. Accept, my good Sir, my heartiest thanks for this fresh token of your friendship, which, as such is very flattering & most acceptable for being remarkably pretty. The reason of my not returning you my thanks Sooner, was my absence from Town; for I spent the Summer in the North of England, Wales & Ireland, where I have been vastly well entertained: But pray is it a Dream, a pleasant Dream, or what. I think much about the Time of the above, you wrote me for getting you Lodgings, a servant & other things. your Letter reached me at Manchester a great Way from Town, or I would have rebroussed: but however I immediately wrote you two Letters one at Pembroke House, the other at Vaughan’s to give you all the Information I could about London.
Pray have those Letters reached you, are you not come to Town, or is it a pleasure to come for me?
About a Month ago I took the liberty of troubling you, from Yorkshire about a Dressed coat & a few more things. as my Letter was very explicit on the subject I beg leave to referr you to the Same intirely, craving your pardon for the Trouble & that you will command me in return where ever I can be serviceable—
You have no conception of this place my good sir, it is really a heavenly one. you should come & see it & padlock your Heart at Paris; for the number of Beauties & such Beauties too, is quite overcoming. the Duce is that the pretty ones are without cash, & the rich ones without Beauty. Triste alternative is it not?
Adieu my good friend, my Duty to your Grand Father & believe me to be for ever Your most affate. obt. & hble. servt.