Inclosed is a Memorial from my Friends Messrs V & P French & nephew of Bordeaux to the Director of the Finnances, relative to a Seizure of some Tobacco to their address in consequence of an erroneus Declaration, which is the sole Effect of Ignorance of the real Quantity as you will see by the Memorial.
I think there can be no doubt of Redress if the Fact is fairly known, and I therefore request you will kindly give the Memorial your Sanction and send it to Mr Necker.—
It is a hardship on Trade in general to be obliged to make a Declaration of what the Person who declares cannot be certain, & yet be subject to Penalty, if it is not true; Ridiculous as this appears it is no less the Law, and the Custom House Officers never allow any Interpretation than what the Letter of the Law exactly conveys.—
I beg to repeat my Request to let the inclosed be sent to Mr Necker & am ever with the greatest Respect Dear & hond Sir Yours most dutifully & affectionately