Having heard you represented as a Gentleman of Known humanity. I thought it adersable to aquaint you with my Circumstances. I belong to the State of Rhode Island was taken in a prevateer Brig out of Boston belonging to Mr: Coffin Jones and Mr: Henry Mitchel Commanded by Capt: Rothburn we were taken the Twenty nith of September, by the Frigate Recovery and Carried into the Core of Cork, from thence marched to Prison at Kinsale, from whence I made my escape in April and Came to Cork where I found five more Americans. Three of which were taken in the privateer with Capt: Rothborn and the other two with Capt: Cetheart in the Ship Essca. We Stay in Cork until the fifth of may, when we took a Boat and boarded a Cutter belonging to the King Loaded with Provisions and brought her into a Port Call de Conquet, on the Sevenday after fourty eight hours Passage, we obtaind an order to bring the Vessel into this Port, we imply’d a Mr: River to write to Doctor Franklin Siting fourth our Situation. It is Thirty two days Since a declarative went to Paris, but have had no answer from thence. We are if we Sell our Vessel before the Condemnation we Shall get, but a Small part of her! This Mr. Riou has been represented to us, as a bad Man, and one who takes all advantages of Strangers our desire is You would write to Doctor Franklin and use your influence to get our Vessell Condemmed, The Names of the Persons that were with me, I will send inclosed likewise an Invoice of the Cargo I beg you will please to send us your Assistance being one of the Same Country. Respected Sir you will the Liberty I take in troubling you with this