From John Jay
al: Royal Library, Windsor; al (draft): Columbia University Library
Madrid 28 March 1781
Dear Sir
American Credit is again on the Brink of Destruction, and
France alone can save it. The Evil is pressing— Details must
therefore be postponed.
You are not uninformed of the Bills drawn upon me by Congress.
I have accepted to the Amount of Dollars and of that
Sum have paid .
On the 23d December last His Excellency the Count De
Florida Blanca expressly promised me three Millions of Reals—
he has often since repeated it, and very lately told me he would
endeavour to augment it. He desired me to send him every
month a List of the Bills which would become due in the succeeding
one. I did so, and they were paid. On the 15th. of march
instant, I sent him a List of the Bills to become due in april next.
To this, notwithstanding sundry applications, I recd. no answer
'till Yesterday, when the following Letter, from Mr James Gardoqui,
enclosing one from the Count was delivered to me vizt.
“Madrid 25 March 1781
In Consequence of the within Letter which have just reced for
your goodself. I beg Leave to add that the Honourable Mr De
Campo desires me to inform you, that the Ballance of the
Cloathing account will be immediately ordered to be paid, but
that with Respect to the amount of the Bills you mention, there
is an absolute impossibility at present so that you may arrange that
matter by other ways. However the said hon'ble Gentleman assures
that the Promise made you of the three Million will be
complied with, by paying the remaining Ballance, after deduct-ing
the several Sums already delevered you towards it, in six
months hence—
With Regard to what you say about Masts and Timber, nothing
offers at present, but should it occur hereafter, you will hear
it from his Excellency, the above Hon'ble Gentleman, or thro'
me, and you may perhaps by that Time have further News from
your Constituents.
I have the Honor to repeat myself with the utmost Respect Sir
your most obedient h'ble Servant
Hon'ble John Jay Esqr”
“au Pardo ce 24 mars 1781
Le Comte de Florida Blanca a receu la Lettre que Mr Jay l'a fait
l'honneur de lui ecrire, et au sujet de son Contenu, il peut lui dire
qu'il se remet entieremt. a ce que Mr De Campo signifiera a Mr
Gardoqui, comm. 'etant tous les deux au fait des Affairs en Question—
Remarks on these Letters would be unnecessary, nor can Conjectures
respecting the motives which enduced them answer any
good Purpose. Let me entreat you my dear Sir! to submit these
Facts without Delay to your Court. The Extinction of american
Credit would work Consequences which I think neither their Wisdom
nor their Friendship for our Country, will permit to take
place. If necessary, pledge the three millions promised by Spain,
offer immediate repayment of the Residue in america—in Short
any thing almost will be better than having all these Bills protested.
Should your Court consent to make the advances, take such
arrangements for bringing them to my Hands, as that, if possible
I may recieve them in Time. In commercial Transactions you
know punctuality is always expected & often insisted upon.
I send you this by an Express—he has orders to wait your answer
and return with the utmost Expedition. On the 16th: Day
of april I shall certainly be called upon for . Communicate
this Letter to Col. Laurens, who I am persuaded will Zealously
cooperate with you.
I shall draw upon you without Delay for the Ballance of the
25,000 Dollars, for should my Situation be known, or this application
prove fruitless, a Bill upon you would not be vendible.
Our Friends the De Neufvilles are very deeply interested in
the Bills due next month. What a Train of Consequences depend
on their being paid!
The Count De Montmorin, who is always friendly, has spoken
to the minister on these Subjects—there is no Hope of present aid
here. Were it in the Embassadors power to remove all these Difficulties,
I believe they would not exist long—he will write by this
Conveyance. I enclose a particular List of the Bills accepted—
To Dr: Franklin 28 march 1781 no: 18
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