To Louis XVI
al and al (draft): Library of Congress
[c. January 28, 1782]

It is with great Satisfaction that I obey the Commands of the Congress of the United States of America, in assuring your Majesty, that they have the most grateful Sense of your Majesty's Exertions in their Favour; that the States they represent have not in the least abated in their firm Resolution of maintaining their Independence; that they are determined faithfully to perform all their Engagements; and that, tho' desirous of sparing the farther Effusion of human Blood, by an honourable Peace, they will continue to prosecute the War with all possible Vigour, till that End can be obtained.

Your Majesty by your Magnanimity and Goodness, in suc-couring the Distress'd, has won the Hearts of a great and growing People; a Conquest of all others the most glorious!

To the King
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