The subscriber most humbly begs to trouble you with something further on the subject of a Steam Boat. His sanguine opinion in favour of its answering the purpose to his utmost wishes, emboldons him to presume it will not give offence. And if his opinion carries him to excess, he doubts not but your Excellency will make proper allowance. As it is a matter in his opinion of the first Magnitude, not only to the United States but to every Maratime power in the World, as he is full in the belief that it will answer for Sea Voiages as well as for inland Navigation, in particular for Packets, where there should be a great number of Pasengers, he is of opinion that fewel for a short Voiag, would not exceed the weight of Water for a long one; as it would produce a constant supply of fresh Water. He also believes that it would be able to make head against the most Violent Tempests, and thereby escape the danger of a Seeshore. And that the same force may be applied to a Pump, to free a leaky Ship of her Water. What emboldens him to be thus presumeing in the good effects of the Machine, is the almost Omnipotent force by which it is actuated, and the very Simple easy and natural way by which the Screws or Paddles are turned to answer the purpose of Oars. I expect to return from Kentuckey about the first of June next, and nothing would give me more secret pleasure than to make an Essay under your Patronage, and have your Friendly assistance in introducing another Useful art into the World. With the most perfect Respect I am your most Devoted Humble Servant