Exchg: for 18 Dollars, at five Liveres Tournois [?] dollar
Numb 938
United States of America, 1st day of November 1780
At Thirty Days Sight of this Fourth Bill, First, Second and Third
not paid, pay to George Cartner or Order, Eighteen Dollars, in
Ninety Liveres Tournois, for Interest due on Money borrowed by the
United States.—
To the Commissioner of Commissioners of the
United States of America at Paris
Countersigned, Tho. Smith
Commissioner of the Continental Loan Office in the
State of Pennsylvania
(Indorsed) George Gartner
Commonwealth of
I Henry Alline Notary Publick, Dwelling and Practising in Boston
in said Commonwealth by Lawful Authority duly Admitted and Sworn,
Do hereby Certify all whom it may Concern that the above written
is a true Copy of the Original Bill of Exchange, which was
Carefully Examined and Compaired by me the said Notary. Thus done
at Boston aforesaid this Twenty second day of January, In the Year
of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and Eighty one.
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Affixed my
Notarial Seal