A desire of knowing the Sentiments of my family before I took the important Step prescribed in your kind Letter of 14 Jany. prevented my answering it as soon as recieved. Their answer & your favor of 25 Feby. came to hand last post, before which time chance brought me into company with the Spanish Consul; I imparted to him the design of my Voyage, & was by him Strongly counselled to prefer Madrid to Cadiz, as the language would for many reasons be more readily acquired at the former place than the latter—I will not conceal from my dear friend that I was not displeased at the Rencontre; for though I have long considered myself as an American & am firm in My resolutions of becoming one; yet I did not propose going through the formalities before my embarkation for the Continent, & more particularly at Bordeaux, where Such a circumstance being known (as it must be) might be Made use of to injure me or my family very materially. A family council having confirmed me in these Sentiments I have not made use of yr. letter to Mr Bonfield reserving however the formula to make use of if necessary on my Arrival at Madrid—A few months will I hope give me all I want of the Spanish Language, when I shall with pleasure put in execution my long formed project of embarking for America—I have already consent of My friends to this purpose. I hope my dear friend you will Not disapprove of my conduct on this occasion, I even flatter myself that in my situation you would have acted in same manner. Should however even at present More unequivocal Marks of my sentiments be required I am ready to give them when called upon though for reasons already assigned would wished to defer it ’till I have changed my place of residence—Thus my dear friend have I laid open with utmost truth & freedom all my difficulties & hope you will excuse if you cannot commend & endeavor to represent it in the most favorable light to yr. Grandfather, whose good opinion I am anxious of preserving—As a suite of which I have written I presume to ask a line to the agent at Madrid [torn] take the Step prescribed—I need not repeat how happy I should be if I could be of any service to you at Mad: or in conveying any thing there I propose Setting out about 10th or 15 of next Month.
I am &c. yours affectionately