Your Conjecture that your Son Mr. J Witherspoon was known to me is well founded. I had the Pleasure of making his Acquaintance in America and tho’ I had not the Satisfaction of being often in his Company yet I was sufficiently so, to conceive for him that Esteem which he so justly merits. A Circumstance attended my Acquaintance with him, which you may have forgot, but I never shall. It is that of his doing me the honour to introduce me to you Sir, & of your very polite Reception of me. You could not therefore have Recommended the Situation of your Son to one more disposed to serve him.
The Credit which came inclosed in your Letter to my Grandfather of 15 June, I delivered to Messrs. Le Couteulx & Co. recommending your Son to their particular Notice. They promis’d me they would do every thing in their power for his relief by writing immediately to their own Correspondent in London informing them of his Situation & of the Credit established for him.
We are since however inform’d by a Letter from London, that he is discharged from Confinement; & purposes soon leaving England. Should he in his Return to America take Paris in his way it will give me the greatest Pleasure to make him a Return for that attention which himself & Family honor’d me with in my passing through Princetown.
With great Respect I have the honor to be &ca: