I wrote you lately that Jones was not to be found here consequently the Bill irrecoverable from Him. He is at Amm. playing his tricks so I understand. The person who accepted the Bill & acknowleges the acceptance, may be obligd by Law to pay what has been advancd on it.
I hear our sick frd is better— His disorder being contageous I am afraid to visit him— He is getting better & I hear from Him & he from me now & then. There are many people here hurt & as much astonishd as you can be at Mr. Ls treatment, which still continues rigorous to an extreem— This, with Lord Cornwallis's military Executions & cool butcheries of defenceless People in So Carolina, irrevocably seals the perpetual disunion between Gt. Britain & America. Tis however to be lamented that Peace is so far-distant as appearances indicate, and come when it will, we may safely pronounce it will be accompanyd with anguish and humiliation to the Savage heart, that seems insatiable of human gore. No news but what the papers will inform you. The annexd note will explain itself. Mr. W. S. C can do the needfull.
I am with high respect Your Servant