1. The first Article was approv’d. 2. The Second agreed to, so far as related to the Repeal of the Tea-Act. But Repayment of the Duties that had been collected, was refused. 3. The third not approved, as it imply’d a Deficiency of Power in the Parliament that made those Acts. 4. The fourth approved. 5. The fifth agreed to, but with a Reserve that no Change prejudicial to Britain was to be expected. 6. The Sixth agreed to, so far as related to the Appropriation of the Duties: but the Appointment of the Officers and their Salaries to remain as at present. 7. The seventh relating to Aids in Time of Peace agreed to. 8. The eighth relating to the Troops, was inadmissible. 9. The ninth would be agreed to, with this Difference, that no Proportion should be observ’d with regard to preceding Taxes, but each Colony should give at pleasure. 10. The tenth agreed to, as to the Restitution of Castle William; but the Restriction on the Crown in building Fortresses refused. 11. The eleventh refus’d absolutely, except as to the Boston Port Bill, which would be repeal’d; and the Quebec Act might be so far amended, as to reduce that Province to its ancient Limits. The other Massachuset Acts, being real Amendments of their Constitution, must for that reason be continu’d, as well as to be a standing Example of the Power of Parliament. 12. The twelfth agreed to, that the Judges should be appointed during good Behaviour, on the Assemblies providing permanent Salaries, such as the Crown should approve of. 13. The thirteenth Agreed to, provided the Assemblies make Provision as in the preceding Article. 15. The fifteenth, agreed to. 16. The sixteenth agreed to, supposing the Duties paid to be Colony Treasuries. 17. The seventeenth inadmissible.