I cant Expres to you How much Joy I feal at knowing you are at home and so much more at Ease than I expected in Regard to your boddyle State, but I Perceive by the Newspapers you are not to be Suffered to Rest as long you are Alive, I was in hopes you would have Resolutely Reisisted all Solicitations to Burden your Self any more with the concerns of the Publick, and Flattered my Self if I were with you I Should Injoy a litle familiar Domestic Chit Chat like comon folks, but now I Imagine all Such Attempts would be Intrusion, and I may as well content my Self at this Distance with the hopes of recveing wonce in a while a kind Leter from you, and beleving you are happy with your other connections.
You mention your writing to me Just before your Departure from France. I have not recd. such a won the Last I recd. from you was Dated Apr 12 which I mend. To you Last Post. I am Greved Ever Since I Sent it that I did not mention how much I felt my Self affected with the Affectionat mention cousen Jonethan Williams made of me in his Leter to his Father but I thought he would Emediatly folow his Leter and I Should have the Peasure of telling him my Self, I Rejoice too at the Arival of your two Grandsons who I am Shure must be very happy in being deservedy caressed by all there friends and olf Acquaintances my Daughter is Still in the Country but She Informs me She is beter, my Love to Mr X Mrs Bache and all the children from your Affectionate Sister