Jonathan Williams, Jr. to William Temple Franklin
Nantes Feb. 8. 1780.
my dear Billy.
I have lately given you some Trouble in the Bill Way, I hope
however you have help. If you have not time to send them all by
return of Post pray be so kind as to send me some of the largest
of them for I shall want Cash.—
Mr Edward Procter of Boston wrties me that his Pocket Book has
been stolen from him & in it there was a Bill drawn by Hopkinson
on Commrs dated Sept. 10. 1779 N 287 payt to Edward Procter for 36
Dollars, pray see if it is paid if not please to make a Note &
stop it whenever it is presented. Among the Bills I last sent you
then are 5 that have been already paid Vizt
I discovered this on looking over my Bill Book. I beg Pardon for
the Trouble I will have given you.—
Capt Smith of the Kensington requested me to procure a
Commission or Letter of Marque for him & I accordingly drafted a
Bond which his armateurs Messrs Dacosta & Co sent by this Post to
the Doctor. Capt Smith is a worthy young man (Son to Mr Smith of
the Phila Loan office) & I shall be obliged to you if you will
have a Commission filled out for him if you have any blank ones, I
am sure he will always behave so as to do honour to it. I inclose
Messrs Dacostas Letter.
I am very sincerely dear Billy affectionately yours