I yesterday received your of the 12th of September, but that of the 9th mentioned in it is not come to hand, so that I am at a Loss to understand the Affair mention’d in Mr. Durival’s Letter. The Receipt however being of the Date June 10. 1776. can have no Relation to any Sums put into my Hands or yours, being Six Months prior to my Arrival in France, or your being concern’d in our Affairs; and probably regards some private Transaction with Mr. Deane or Beaumarchais, I suppose the latter. When I receive the Letter above mentioned perhaps I may make a better Guess. I am only concern’d that you and I should stand clear of such a Charge.
Be so good as to buy for me a thousand Pound weight of Regule d’Antimoine, a kind of Metal, to be had at Orleans chez la Veuve Einbere value 70 or 75 Livres per Centaine. It may be order’d down to Nantes to the Care of some Merchant there who will ship it to me either here or by way of New York. My Love to the Family and believe me ever Yours most sincerely