From “Your Ould Friends in Broad St.” (unpublished)
London May 30th. 1780

Two bills is sent you one for your honours Inspection, the other for His Most Christian Majesty, and if happly aproved off Mr. Cross the Ingenious Ingineer will be speedly sent to France, first to use his Inginous Warlike Inventions against all Inveaders, and and after go to America to Clear it of its Enemies, it is most sertin proofs of Mr. Cross’s Ingenious abelities were Tryed and bore The Test and were found to answer their Intended Design.

But was with Contempt and Ignorance Condem’d by Genll Williamson of the Ingineers, and Sir. Chas. Frederick as being off too Cruel a nature, Genll Conway have tould it was not his busyness to Study such Things. Your honour is Truly Sensable of the Ignorance of English place Men not to Incourage merrit but such as well Recommended.

The free States of America have in Possession many brave British officers and is hoped will soon have Mr. Cross, who has proved him self for Warlike Ingenuity the usefullest subject in the British Empire. Sir all the usefull Men which Can be heard off shall be sent to you who has proved yourself a Father to the People of America, Your ould Friends in Broad street Remain with Grate Respect &c &c

Addressed: Dr Franklin / in the City of Paris / a Passy / by way of Flanders
Endorsed: Cross John. May 30. 1780
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