Tho’ I am far from pretending to a foreknowledge of events yet having felt a sort of presumption that a letter I adressed to you some time since had miscarried, which wd occasion me a very mortifying delay; the present is intended to Supply its place. It inclosed a letter to your honored Grandfather, in which after most gratefully thanking him for his many past, I took the liberty of Informing him that I had come to this place with a design to embark & should only await receipt of his Answer, having already obtained leave from my friends & even taken my leave of them. The late events in America make me more anxious than ever to avoid a longer Stay in Europe; But I am still more anxious e’er my departure to have the Sanction of the Doctor who from the knowledge he has of myself & family, is best able to give an account of my Sentiments & the long standing of my design to go to the Continent—I took the liberty therefore of requesting he would please furnish Me with a letter to this effect. I should then have all to hope & little to fear, the esteem of the Good & virtuous would be inclined towards me, & the respect of those who were not so—I offered at same time my dear friend, to charge myself with any commissions which you might wish to have executed & were in my power to do—The port I intend Sailing for is Philadelphia where I promise myself no little pleasure in being introduced to your friends—Accept of my congratulations upon the late happy events, with compts of the Season & wishes that this year may be crowned wth More marked & Glorious success than was the last. The Contest is I flatter myself drawing towards a Close, what reason could not operate, misfortunes may, especially as I see no possible means of putting a period to them but by putting a period to the war—You have surely been informed of the Sailing of the spanish fleet 36 Sail in the fleet & 4 with the Convoy they Sailed the third & the wind has ever since been favorable—Gibaraltar & Mahon are nearly as they were 2 months ago. Adieu portez vous bien & croyez moi toujours
Votre très aff. ami & srvt.