I have just received your friendly Congratualtions on my Return to America, for which as well as your kind Wishes for my Welfare I beg you to accept my most thankful Acknowledgements. Ben is also very sensible of your Politeness, and desires his respects may be presented.
I was sorry on my Arrival to find you had left this City—Your present arduous Undertaking I easily conceive demands [?]tive & tho we shall reap the Fruits of it, Fearnot help [?]tting the merit, Want your abilities here where in the present Moment they might I think be successfully employed still—Parties to view very high—Common Sense would unite them—It is to be hoped therefore it has not for ever abandon’d us for ever—
The Persons Mr. Wms whom you enquire after accompanied us to America & is now here—We left Mrs. Wms & her Sisters well at St. Germ—but they purposed shortly returning to England, to live with their Uncle Mr. [A.] J. Alexander, who has entirely settled his affairs with Mr. Walpole & the Bank.—Mr: Wm: Alxr. I suppose you know is in Virga fulfilling his Tobacco contract with the Farmers Genl.
The Marquis la Fayette we saw a few Days before we left Passy—he was well—& on the point of setting off on Excursion into Germany to the a Visit Eyeperor R. of Prussia.
I purpos shortly being at New York when I will with Pleasure give you any further Information you may Wish, and shall be very happy to cultivate the Acquaintance & Friendship of Mr. Payne, for whose Character I have a sincere Regard & of whose Services, I, as an American have a grateful Sense—