From Jacques Barbeu-Dubourg: Dedicatory Epistle
[Late 1772]

You recognized, in the first sketch of this Little Code, the simple, naive outpouring of your own heart; I have finished developing the work to the best of my ability, and I hope that you will only recognize yourself in it all the better. If something less exact has escaped me, have the goodness to rectify it; it is in order to submit it to you that I have dedicated it to you, since I have been happy enough to find, united in you, a great teacher and a good friend. You are going to leave this hemisphere, and I cannot follow you into the other; but the immense ocean you have to traverse will do nothing to separate the best parts of ourselves; our souls will be united, as they always have been; I do myself the honor of proclaiming it, and you will not blush to acknowledge it; you may well have nobler emulators, but you have no more faithful servant.

J B. D.