To His Excellency Doct. Benjamin Franklin Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America at the Court of France.
The Memorial of Thomas Smith of the State of Maryland herewith.
That your Memorialist was born in England and for 39 Years of his Life constantly employed in the Different Capacities of Mariner Mate and Captain of a Ship in the trade between Maryland and London. That Since the Year 1775 he has constantly Resided in Maryland, Having till within these 2 years a Wife and Family and at present, some property in Land and Negroes there. That Your Memorialist in the time, has taken the Oath of Allegiance to the State of Maryland, and has done every thing in common with the rest of the Inhabitants of the State, Which was Required by the laws, except enrolling in the Militia, from Serving in Which, he has been allways exempt, being at present 58 years old. That your Memorialist bought in the Years 1773 and 1774 £300 Sterling in the 4 per C[en]t. Annuities of Great Brittain, it being Almost all he had Scraped together in a Long Laborious Life, Which with the Interest thereon, Not having Received a Farthing that has become due, He wishes to draw out of the funds there And Return with it to America, where he purposes to Spend the Remainder of his Days. For this Purpose and with this bien and no other whatsoever, Your Memorialist left Maryland the first of last August and came here Passenger in the Brig Nesbit Capt. James Forbes, with an Intention, when he first Arrived, of pursuing his Journey by the Way of Paris to Ostend; In the first of which Places, he was informed he must wait upon Your Excellency for Passports. But finding afterwards a Neutral Vessel here bound for Ostend, he to Save time and Expence took his Passage on Board of her, after having obtained Passports here, which he was Informed was all that was Necessary. But Since that, Some Gentlemen here, hearing Your Memorialists Intention of going to England and thinking it improper he shou’d proceed without Your Excellencies permission, Applied to the Count de Maillé Commandant in Bretagne, who has taken a parole that Your Memorialist wou’d Not embark, till answer cou’d be had from Your Excellency. Your Memorialist wou’d Not wish to go to England, If a Method cou’d be fallen upon to draw his Money out of the Funds there, in any other way. But the impracticability which he has hitherto met with, in getting transmitted a power of Attorney so Witnessed, as to be properly proved in Great Britain, without which it wou’d be good for Nothing, has Made him Despair of doing it, without being there himself and Shou’d Your Excellency determine it not proper for a Person circumstanced as Your Memorialist is to go to Great Britain He must return to Maryland again without his Effects, of which He will Stand in the greatest need, as a Means of Subsistence. Shou’d Your Excellency be of Opinion, that no bad consequence will flow from Your Memorialists going thither for the sole purpose before Mentiond, He shall hold himself for ever obliged, If he is favord with the Necessary passports.
And Your Memorialist is With the greatest Respect Your Excellencies Most Obedient Humble Servant