From Richard Bache
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Phila. 14th. May 1776.
Dear and Honored Sir

We have not had the Pleasure of a Line from you since I last wrote you. I wish I had time to give you a particular Account of the Action between our armed Boats and his Majesty’s Ships the Roebuck of 44 Guns, and Liverpoole of 28 Guns, off Wilmington. I fully intended it this Morning, but have been so much employed, I find it impossible. I must therefore beg leave to refer you to the Acct. in Towne’s Paper, shall only add that the Ships have got a severe drubing and are fairly drove away; some People that have seen them since their Retreat, say the Ships have suffered greatly. We are all Well, and with much Love and Duty join in wishing you a safe return to us. I am Dear sir Yours &c.

R Bache

Addressed: Benjn. Franklin Esqr.
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