From Jonathan Williams, Jr.
als: University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Yale University Library
Nantes Feb 1. 1780.
Dear & honoured Sir.

The last Post from Bordeaux brought me my Letters from america brought by Mr Adams and among them I recvd one for you which you have inclosed. I likewise inclose you a Letter from Capt Manly who is now in Mill Prison, it is addressed to Mr William Bradford but that Gentleman being now in america & having desired me at his Departure to open all Letters to his address, I opened this from Capt Manly; I shall in answer assure him that the Exchange is not neglected & that he will have his Turn. He is a brave Officer & deserves attention.

M de Chaumont has directed me to draw on him for Funds which I suppose you know and approve. Among the Furniture I found no mention of Buckles which I suppose to be an Omission & am therefore laying out for 15000 Pair conformable to the Congress Order.

I hope Mr Adams will soon be with you, when he arrives please to present my Respects to him. I am ever most dutifully and affectionately Yours

J Williams J

Notation: J Williams Feb 1 1780
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