William Temple Franklin to William Casey (unpublished)
Passy 1. June 1782.

It is true the American Prisoners now in England are to be sent immediately to America, but as we have as yet no Advice of their sailing, you will perhaps do well to remit the Money you have recd for Capt Durfy & Haines, to Mr. Wm Hodgson Mercht, Coleman Street, London. This Gentleman is charg’d on our Part, with every thing relative to sd. Prisoners, & will return you the Money in case they should be gone; or otherwise dispose of it, as you may direct.— I am, Sir, Your very humble Servant

W T. Franklin

Mr. Casey
Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Casey / Hotel des Bains de / la Seine / Rue Guenigaud / à Paris
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