I have this day written to the Doctor and sent under his Care a Letter to M. de Fleury which if delivered and supported by his Reccommendation will probably procure part at least of the new Fourniture. “C’est un honnête Garçon et mon Parent” written by him will do more than all the Memoires in the World. I hope the Doctor knows me well enough to know that I should not wish he should do anything for a protégé that is in the smallest degree inconsistent with his Character, but as somebody must have the Business and as I am sure I can do it as well as anybody, why not try for it? A Negligent man will never get Business and one who does not endeavour to get Business does not deserve it. These are my maxims and as I think it my duty to exert myself as much as I can in the line of my Profession for the support of my Family I trust the Doctor will look on my application in its proper light, and if he cannot adopt my Proposition, he will at least applaud my Industry. Will you my dear Friend lend a helping hand and lay aside your Pleasure for one day to serve me? Step in the Coach with my Letter and what the Doctor may please to add in my behalf and go a l’hotel du Contrôlleur general with the Packet de la Part de M. Franklin. I am confident such a step will do my Business if it is to be done.
If you were a commercial man I would talk to you in a commercial Style about Connections , but as I suppose you would not dirty your fingers with Commerce I have never said anything on the subject, but at all Times I shall think everything in my Power to do for you as only a tribute of Gratitude I owe to the Doctor and whenever I know your Mind turns to any such Objects I shall be jealous if any person is preferred to me unless more advantageous to yourself.
Mr Deane wrote me about Mr Mumford. I told him I would do all I could for him if he came down here but I promised nothing. If he comes I hope it will be with your knowledge and consent.
I am my dear Friend wholly yours