Dumas to the American Commissioners
ALS: American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief
<The Hague, January 27[-29], 1779, in French: Yesterday the
States of Holland resolved to annul the resolution of November
18, which excepted ships’ timbers from convoy protection,
and to protect their commerce to the fullest extent guaranteed
by the treaties [with Britain]. Tomorrow the assembly will
work on the response to the French ambassador. Our friend
will leave the next day. This has been a great victory over
English influence. January 28: Today the States General
adopted the same resolution. January 29: The Admiralty’s response
is so ambiguous that Amsterdam threatens a new protest,
claiming all that was needed was to communicate to
France the resolution of the 26th; the assembly will be prolonged
until next Tuesday or Wednesday [February 2-3].>
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