I received yours of the 11th Instant as also a preceeding Letter inclosing Dr. Weans Diploma, which I forwarded to him immediately, as I have also that to Dr. Withering and shall discharge the Draft in his favor when presented.
Church Bells are sold by weight ½ lb or £6 13s. 8d. per Cwt. when wanted, the weight of the Tenor Bell must be given and then the weight of the Peal may be easily computed from 5 to 12—the Stocks and Wheels are separate Charges and on an Average are about £7 per Bell. The Exportation of Bells is prohibited (for what reason God knows) but leave may be obtained to export them upon application to the Treasury for a Fee of about £6—on an Average the weight of a Peal of Bells, more or less in No. is about 4 Times the weight of the Tenor, and there is no difference in the price per Cwt. if the Peal be 6 or 12. Light or heavy Bells—a Peal of 6 Bells supposing the Tenor to weigh 12 Cwt. will weigh about 48 Cwt. and the Expence according to the above will be £366 12s.
I am very sorry I have not yet had it in my Power to furnish you with the Information respecting the Ships sent into Bergen and I must fear I never shall be able to procure it, my Correspondent at Liverpool cannot learn any thing about the amount of Insurance.
I thank you for your Compliment on my Success against the Secretarys of State—it was your Information (that the paper [passes?] were delivered gratis,) that determined me to try the Cause, the Money must now all be refunded ’twill make a great saving to the Merchants, I believe more than I stated it at, for I believe more than 200 passes were exchanged, with great and Sincere respect I am Dear sir your most Obedient Humble Servant