I am much distress’d my Dear Friend, at what you say you suffer from my not arriving in Paris. I have been wishing to be there as much as you could wish to see me; but I could not possibly think of leaving this while a Business I had undertaken was pending—for which I rec[eive]d a Salary; and which being now compleated, affords me a Profit of Seven thousand Pounds Sterg.! This, my dear Friend, has hitherto kept me here—having only been finally terminated on the 11th Inst. I am in hopes you will think my Excuse for staying ’till it was done, a good one. I have now only some few Arrangements to make in consequence of my Success, and shall undoubtedly be with you before the conclusion of this Month.
My Respects to your Family and all enquiring Friends: and believe me unalterably Yours