I did myself this pleasure a few days ago per the Frigate Hermione from the Cheasapeake; It was just to let you know that we were well— Having answered your Letter of the 13th Sepr. (which is the last we have from you) by two different conveyances, I have at present nothing very material to communicate, save that we enjoy good health & are happy— We have in-noculated little Debby, & she has got thro' the small pox very fa-vorably— You will herewith receive the Dutch & English Newspapers— The Apples I could not get on board either of these Vessels, should another Conveyance soon present, I will endeavor to send them— Our Winter hitherto has been very open, Our Navigation has scarcely been interrupted— With Sally & the Children's joint Love & Duty I remain ever Dear & Hond. Sir Your affectionate Son