The Petition of Thomas Willing President of the Bank of North America Most respectfully sheweth,
That Joshua Pusey late of the City of Philadelphia, Merchant and Miller, using and exercising the Trade of a Merchant and Miller and seeking his Living by buying and selling became indebted to the Corporation of the President Directors and Company of the Bank of North America upon just and good Causes and Considerations since the sixteenth Day of September in the Year 1785 in the Sum of two hundred Pounds lawful Money of Pennsylvania and upwards, and that the said Joshua Pusey of late that is to say about the 30th Day of June last did become Bankrupt within the Meaning of the Acts of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth for the Regulation of Bankruptcy, to the Intent to defraud and hinder the said President Directors and Company and others his Creditors of their Just Debts to them owing; In Consideration whereof may it please the President to grant unto the Petitioner the Commission of this Commonwealth to be directed to such and so many wise honest and discreet Persons as to the President shall seem meet, authorising them thereby not only concerning the said Bankrupt his Body Lands Tenements Goods Chattels Rights Credits and Estate whatsoever; but also concerning all other Persons whatsoever who by concealment, Claim or otherwise do or shall offend touching the Premisses or any Part thereof contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of the said Acts, To do and execute all and every thing and things whatsoever as well for and towards Satisfaction and Payment of the said Creditors and for and towards all other Intents and Purposes according to the Provision of the said Acts concerning Bankrupts And your Petitioner &c. Let a Commission issue as prayed and be directed to Affidavit to be indorsed on the Petition Pennsylvania ss.