To de Tavarez
Reprinted from Notes and Queries: a Medium of Intercommunication for Literary Men, General Readers, Etc., 6th series, X (July-December, 1884), 153.
Paris, Jan. 4, 1778.

The account given in the Newspapers of my having furnished the Physicians with a receipt against the Dropsy is a Mistake. I know nothing of it, nor did I ever hear before that Tobacco Ashes had any such virtue. I thank you for your kind congratulations on our late successes and good wishes for the Establishment of our Liberty. I have the honour to be respectfully, Sir, your most obedient humble Servant,

B. Franklin

A Monsieur de Tavarez, Seigneur de Relaar, Docteur en Droit et en Médicine, à Zwolle en Hollande.
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