I received from you last Summer, and which indeed I ought to have acknowledged sooner, a most acceptable Present, of your excellent Work, for which please to receive my hearty Thanks, as well as for the honourable Mention you have been so good as to make of me in it. The favourable Light in which you have so kindly plac’d our Country, will I am persuaded have the good Effect of inducing more worthy European Characters to remove and settle among us, the Acquisition of whom will be greatly advantageous to us. I thank you also for your Care of the Bundle sent me by Mr. Short.
Inclos’d is a Letter for our excellent and most amiable Friend Madame de Houdetot. I wrote to her the beginning of last Year, and believing you then in France, I sent it under a Cover directed to you. Your Arrival here soon after the Vessel sail’d, makes me fear that Letter may have been long delay’d if not lost. With great and sincere Esteem, I am, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant